Category: Tesla Model X

Tesla in Forest Vancouver BC

How Do Teslas Hold Up in Real Life Ice and Snow?

Tesla long maintains that their cars do well in sub-zero conditions. However, recent severe weather events, highlighted by random TikTok and YouTube videos, seem to suggest otherwise. So what’s the truth? We’re intensely aware that it’s an important question to ask. Severe weather is becoming all too common and you

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The Pros and Cons of Tesla’s Model S & Model X Windshields

Model S & Model X Windshields – Pros and Cons The Model S and Model X Windshields have long been a hot topic. Tesla’s ambitious diversion from the standard automobile windshield has been both lauded and heavily criticized. Tesla highlights the extensive view, while some consumers are dissatisfied with their

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Tesla Model X Autopilot Drives Owner to Hospital

Autopilot Drives Owner to Hospital Over the weekend, a Model X owner used Tesla Autopilot to drive himself to the hospital. According to KY3 Missouri News Station, Joshua Neally was driving home from work when he began experiencing severe chest pains. Fearing that an ambulance would take too long, he

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Tesla News: Consumer Reports Asks Tesla to Disengage Autopilot

Tesla News: Request to Disengage Autopilot Consumer Reports has called upon Tesla to disengage autopilot after a series of accidents, including a fatality. Tesla stands by their decision to beta test publicly. Even so, they have had recent talks with manufacturers with a view to improving it. With all this controversy

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